Maya Angelou – Quote of the Day for October 25, 2024

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”
Maya Angelou

Insights on Today's Quote

Now, isn’t that a refreshing take? I mean, how many times have we been told success is some finish line you cross only after you’ve burned out, stayed up too late, or maybe become a coffee-powered zombie? But liking yourself — now that’s a game-changer. It’s like saying, “Hey, success isn’t just about climbing the corporate ladder or having six figures in your bank account; it’s about waking up, looking in the mirror, and thinking, ‘Yeah, I’d hang out with that person.'” And honestly, isn’t that the hardest part? You can master spreadsheets or run a marathon, but being comfortable in your own skin, that’s the real marathon.

As for liking what you do and how you do it, that’s the trifecta! Imagine rolling out of bed, not dreading Monday, because what you’re doing actually excites you. Crazy, right? And better yet, you enjoy how you’re doing it. It’s not about following someone else’s playbook, but making your own rules and finding joy in the process. It’s like cooking your favorite meal—sure, the result is delicious, but it’s the chopping, the sautéing, the little improvisations along the way that make it fun. In the end, success is less about the destination and more about the vibes you’re giving off during the journey—like a well-seasoned dish, it’s about flavor, not perfection.

Step Up to the Challenge

Over the next week, spend 10 minutes at the end of each day reflecting on the three parts of Angelou’s quote. Ask yourself:

  1. Did I like myself today? Think about how you treated yourself—your thoughts, self-talk, and actions.
  2. Did I enjoy what I did today? Identify at least one activity, even if small, that brought you joy or fulfillment.
  3. Did I like how I did it? Reflect on whether you approached your tasks in a way that felt true to you, without trying to meet others’ expectations or ideals.

Write down your thoughts and notice patterns by the end of the week. This reflection will help you identify areas where you can align your daily life more closely with the idea of true success—liking yourself, your work, and your way of doing things.

Today's Quote Visualized

A motivational quotation and illustration from Maya Angelou dated October 25, 2024