Jane Austen – Quote of the Day for November 13, 2024

“It isn’t what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.”
Jane Austen

Insights on Today's Quote

Now, don’t get me wrong, words are wonderful. We can craft all kinds of inspiring ideals in our heads, but, in the end, those little internal monologues don’t pay the bills or feed the dog. They’re just concepts until they’re actually out there in the world doing something. Think about it: you could go around claiming to be the most generous, kind-hearted person out there, but if you snatch the last cookie or ignore that guy who’s clearly lost, well, that speaks volumes more than a whole stack of promises.

And let’s be real—action is way harder than thinking or saying. Thoughts don’t judge you, and talk is usually safe; you can rationalize or twist things however you like in your head. But actions? Those are out in the wild, on display, and they’re just so… permanent. There’s a vulnerability in taking real steps forward, and that’s where we actually show our hand.

So, it’s less about what we say at the dinner party and more about how we’re willing to actually change our own habits. It’s the little stuff we’re willing to act on daily that adds up to the whole story. What we do—it’s the one thing we can’t fake.

Step Up to the Challenge

Pick one value or belief you hold—maybe it’s kindness, integrity, or creativity—and spend the next week actively doing something that embodies it every day.

For example, if you value kindness, make an effort to help someone each day, even in small ways. If integrity is your thing, keep a promise you’ve been putting off. If it’s creativity, create something new each day, even if it’s just a doodle or a new recipe.

The goal? To turn those thoughts into actions and see how doing your values feels different from thinking or talking about them.

Today's Quote Visualized

A motivational quotation and illustration from Jane Austen dated November 13, 2024